During the event several animated programs were organized on Kazal for kids. Among others the kids arrived from the local kindergartens and also from several other parts of Hungary, like Sárvár, Dunaújváros, Egyek, Enying and Tab. Following the accompanying programs our kids had the chance join the players in the Arena as escort kids for Hungary’s games.
Not only the functionality but also the design of the new generation Kazal was a success. Our selected distributors from Croatia, Slovakia/Czech Republic, Romania, Greece and Slovenia all visited us and our pitch and were all satisfied with the new design.
The most important feature of the Mushroom Kazal is that the board fences may be designed individually and the frame structure may be colour-sintered matching with the colours of the fences. At the same time, the Mushroom forms provides a larger space for the children.
Kazal was also presented at the SVECO, the sports infrastructure conference of the EMF EURO. In the first international presentation the different Kazal designs including the supplies and the whole concept was introduced to the representatives of 32 participating countries.
#Kinderpitch #Kazal #emfeuro2016 #SVECO